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Evaluation of the Dynamic Deformable Elastic Template model for the segmentation of the heart in MRI sequences

Casta, Christopher, Clarysse, Patrick, Schaerer, Joël, Pousin, Jérome
Université de Lyon, CREATIS ; CNRS UMR5220 ; Inserm U630 ; INSA-Lyon ; Université Lyon 1, France.
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Published in The MIDAS Journal - MICCAI 2009 Workshop: Cardiac MR Left Ventricle Segmentation Challenge.
Submitted by Patrick Clarysse on 2009-07-15 13:42:53.

We introduce a bio-inspired dynamic deformable (DET) model based on the equation of dynamics and including temporal smoothness constraints. The behaviour and characteristics of the dynamic DET model is studied in the context of the semi automatic spatio-temporal segmentation of the left ventricle myocardium in cine-MR images. The segmentation accuracy for endo/epicardium contours at end-diastole and end-systole, and as consequence the performance and limits of the current implementation, is evaluated in the context of the MICCAI LV Segmentation Challenge on a database of 15 multi-slice cine-MRI examinations.