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Assessment of Peri-Articular Implant Fitting Based on Statistical Finite Element Modeling

Bonaretti, Serena, Reimers, Nils, Reyes, Mauricio, Nikitsin, Andrei, Joensson, Anders, Nolte, Lutz-Peter, Buchler, Philippe
University of Bern, Switzerland
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Published in The MIDAS Journal - MICCAI 2008 Workshop: Computational Biomechanics for Medicine.
Submitted by Serena Bonaretti on 2008-05-01T00:00:00Z.

We present a framework for statistical finite element analysis allowing performing statistical statements of biomechanical performance of peri-articular implants across a given population. In this paper, we focus on the design of orthopaedic implants that fit a maximum percentage of the target population, both in terms of geometry and biomechanical stability. CT scans of the bone under consideration are registered non-rigidly to obtain correspondences in position between them. A statistical model of shape is computed by means of principal component analysis. A method to automatically propagate standardize fractures on the statistically-based bone population has been developed as well as tools to optimize implant position to best-fit the bone surface. Afterwards, finite element analysis is performed to analyse the biomechanical performance of the bone/implant construct. The mechanical behaviour of different PCA bone instances is compared for tibia representing the Asian and Caucasian populations.