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Implementation of the PLUS open-source toolkit for translational research of ultrasound-guided intervention systems

Lasso, Andras, Heffter, Tamas, Pinter, Csaba, Ungi, Tamas, Fichtinger, Gabor
Queen's University
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Published in The MIDAS Journal - MICCAI 2012 Workshop: Systems and Architectures for Computer Assisted Interventions.
Submitted by Andras Lasso on 2012-08-15 18:12:10.

This document describes the design of the PLUS (Public software Library for Ultrasound) open-source toolkit. The toolkit provides a basic infrastructure for implementing ultrasound-guided intervention systems. Functionalities include collection of synchronized ultrasound and position data from a wide variety of hardware devices, spatial and temporal calibration, volume reconstruction, live streaming to end-user applications, and recording to and replay from file. Source code, documentation, tutorials, application examples are available with a BSD-type license at the project website: