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Segmentation of Liver Metastases in CT Scans by Adaptive Thresholding and Morphological Processing

Moltz, Jan Hendrik, Bornemann, Lars, Dicken, Volker, Peitgen, Heinz-Otto
MeVis Research GmbH, Bremen, Germany
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Published in The MIDAS Journal - MICCAI 2008 Workshop: Grand Challenge Liver Tumor Segmentation.
Submitted by Jan hendrik Moltz on 2008-07-07T19:34:55Z.

This article presents an algorithm for the segmentation of liver metastases in CT scans. It is a hybrid method that combines adaptive thresholding based on a gray value analysis of the ROI with model-based morphological processing. We show the results of the MICCAI liver tumor segmentation competition 2008 which were successful for all ten tumors.